Settings of the Wolfram Language Plugin

The Wolfram Language Plugin can be customized in various ways. You can adjust how the source-code is colored, the behavior of auto-completion, and add or adjust live- and file-templates. When you open File | Settings…, you’ll find settings of your IDE, and in the following, we will quickly go through the various places, where you can adjust the Wolfram Language Plugin.

General Settings

In the settings under Languages & Frameworks | Wolfram Language you will find the only place of settings that are entirely specific to the Wolfram Language. There, you can adjust the behavior when you press Smart Enter (which has the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Enter) with the auto-completion popup open.

  • Insert template arguments as Live Template will insert auto-completed functions with opening and closing braces, and it will insert template arguments that you can fill and navigate with Tab.
  • Insert template arguments as code will also insert braces and template arguments for the function call. However, the arguments will be inserted as pure code, without live templates.
  • Insert braces only will insert a pair of braces and put the cursor inside it when Mathematica symbol you are auto-completing is a function. Otherwise (e.g. options or symbols like Pi), it will only insert the symbol itself.

In the second row, you can adjust how the auto-completion list is sorted. When you choose “Sort by importance”, the Wolfram Language Plugin will employ usage frequencies of Mathematica symbols and put the most used symbols first in the completion list. However, it will always respect the characters you already typed in the editor to make the auto-completion suggestions match. Sorting by name will do the obvious and put the auto-completion suggestions in alphabetical order.

Color Scheme & Code Style

The settings for the colors of Wolfram Language source-code can be found under Editor | Color Scheme | Wolfram Language in the settings. There, you can adjust the color of different parts of the Wolfram Language inside the code editor.

Similarly, under Editor | Code Style | Wolfram Language you can adjust the indentation and spacing for Wolfram Language code.


Code inspections run in the background and give you warning messages if something seems to be off. All code inspections for the Wolfram Language are under Editor | Inspections | Wolfram Language, and there you can turn single inspections on/off or adjust how they are displayed. Additionally, the settings panel give you further information what exactly a specific inspection is checking.

Live Templates

Under Editor | Live Templates you can open all live templates for the Wolfram Language in the right panel. There, you can lookup defined templates, and you can create your own templates that you can use within the Wolfram Language. For more information about the usage of live templates, please read its documentation page.